Knowledge is the foundation of every enterprise. A waste management just can work if it is well thought out. Several areas need to be developed first. Most important is the political will. Fundamental to building an advanced waste management sector is a clear, reliable environment policy, which is not based on the electoral cycle and which provides the stakeholders in the waste management sector with long-term direction. This is the basis on which all those involved collaborate in developing a strategy for building the waste management sector. The first step is to create a framework. This consists mainly of creating a legal basis; establishing state institutions to regulate and implement it; setting up well-resourced entities in charge of waste management; planning, implementing and financing the waste management infrastructure; and introducing socially acceptable ways of covering the costs. More information about the steps to modern waste management you can find here.
Therefore Capacity development and going with it innovation and knowledge transfer is a key objective of RETech. RETech points out several sources of information in media center.
Under Publications / Downloads you can find for example Best Practice of Municipal Waste Management or more information about the German market of closed loop recycling.
Furthermore there are online courses of waste management like the course "Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries" which provides an overview of the municipal solid waste management situation in developing countries covering key elements of the waste management system, with its technical, environmental, social, financial and institutional aspects.
RETech is representing the German waste and recycling sector at relevant events and delegations. Raising the profile of German recycling industry and research abroad will strength its’ position in international markets. At international symposia and conferences RETech presents and explains the competencies and unique position features of German recycling industry and research. RETech supports and organizes subject-specific events, meetings, delegation travels on national and international levels. more information
For further access to know-how and technology ‘Made in Germany’ please contact RETech.