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German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

The German Government and in particular the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) welcome private sector engagement in developing countries and emerging economies, and support a whole range of programmes and initiatives - from project support in a 'development partnership' to tailored funding options and access to networks of suitable personnel. The DC scout at RETech can advise you on these and other offerings that will help you to put your activities in developing countries and emerging economies on a sustainable footing. was set up by BMZ to promote private sector engagement in areas where business opportunities and development policy initiatives overlap. Up to 50% (max. €200,000) of project costs are met by BMZ funds, and on request companies can also receive expert support. These development partnerships with the private sector can last up to three years and cover a wide variety of sectors and topics. Partnerships that have the potential to achieve outstanding development benefits may receive more substantial funding as Strategic Partnerships. The total amount of funding in a Strategic Partnership must come to at least €750,000.

In, companies always work together with one of the three public partners appointed by BMZ to implement the programme on its behalf: Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (DEG) mbH, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH or sequa gGmbH.

Chamber and Association Partnerships

Through the Chamber and Association Partnerships support programme, German business associations, chambers of commerce and industry and chambers of crafts and trades are brought together with their counterparts in developing countries and emerging economies, for example with local chambers of commerce or associations of tradespeople and small businesses. The aim of these partnerships is to support the organisational development of local chambers and associations, enabling them to make a long-term contribution to building a stable social market economy.

Financing private sector investment – the Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (DEG)

DEG is a subsidiary of KfW. Its mission is to promote business initiatives in developing countries and emerging economies as a contribution to sustainable growth and improved living conditions for the local population. Private enterprises are provided with long-term funding for their investments and receive advice on implementing projects and programmes.

With the Up-Scaling Program, DEG finances investments by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who are looking to roll out innovative business models that have a positive impact on development. The program is targeted at businesses whose needs lie somewhere between microfinancing and traditional financing from commercial banks.

With funds from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), DEG co-finances feasibility studies by German and other European companies in order to lay the ground for developmentally sound investments.

Private businesses that operate in developing markets face particular challenges that often cannot be met by funding alone. To address its clients' specific needs, DEG offers Business Support Services (BSS), co-financing activities that help companies to improve their performance, growth and development impact.